- [ICPS 2024] TT06 - Artificial Intelligence for ICPS
- [ISIE 2023] TT 13 - Human Centric ICT Enabling Smart Medicine, Assistive Robotics, Security, Education and Ethics
- [ISIE 2023] TT 10 - Industrial Informatics: Cloud Computing, Big Data, AI, Informatics and Software Engineering
- [INDIN 2023] Track on Human, computer and machine interaction
- [ICPS 2023] Technical Track on Education and Social Aspects
- [SOHOMA 2022] - Ethics and performance evaluation of internal logistics and Material handling systems 4.0
- [ISIE 2022] AI/Machine Learning & Its Applications
- [Webinar] RMAS: A Multi Agent Architecture for the Next Industrial Agents'' Practice
- [IECON 2022] SS23 - Emerging Topics in Ethics of Assistive Robots
- [IECON 2022] ICT and AI enabling smart cities, buildings, agriculture, energy efficiency and sustainability
- [IECON 2022] Technical Track on Human centric ICT: Medicine, Assistive Robotics, Security and Ethics.
- [IECON 2022] Tutorial: Hands-on Deep Learning for Industrial Applications
- [IECON 2022] Tutorial: Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Automation for Industrial Applications
- [ICPS 2022] Technical Track on Education and Social Aspects
- [HSI 2022] IEEE International Conference On Human System Interaction
- [INDIN 2022] TT2. Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Applications
- [ICIT 2022] Technical Track 10 on AI and Industrial Informatics
- [ETFA 2022] Technical Track on Artificial Intelligence for Cyber-Physical Systems in Automation
- [ISIE 2021] Tutorial:Hands-on Deep Learning Workshop for Industrial Applications
- [ISIE 2021] Tutorial:Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Automation in Industrial Applications
- [ISIE 2021] Tutorial:Engineering Industrial Systems of Cyber-Physical Systems from an Industry 4.0 perspective
- [ISIE 2021] Track 14: Industrial Informatics & Its Applications
- [Webinar] Towards Explainable AI: Ethics and Social Responsibility in Human-Machine Symbiosis
- [Webinar] Research into Collaborative Robotic Disassembly for Smart Remanufacturing
- [IECON 2021] Special Session: Assistive Robots and Their Ethical and Societal Implications
- [IECON 2021] Special Session: Technology and Sustainability in the Artificial Intelligence-enabled Cyber-Physical Systems (AI-CPSs)
- [INDIN 2021] Tutorial: Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Automation for Industrial Applications
- [INDIN 2021] Track 08: Human, computer and machine interaction
- [INDIN 2021] Track 02: Artificial intelligence in industrial applications
- [INDIN 2021] Keynote: Trusting the AI: Helping AI make the right decisions and fighting the bad bias
- [ETFA 2021] Hands-on Deep Learning for Industrial Applications (WS5)
- [HSI 2021] Keynote: Sociotechnical Challenges in the era of Artificial Intelligence Systems
- [Webinar] Machine Vision Transparency
- [IEEE JESTIE Journal] Special Section on "Industrial Agents: Concepts, Technologies, and Applications"